Launch Campaign Swep
Swep, the best performing cleaning solution, is a class of its own:
The Swep class.

Next Level Clean Campaign
The leading microfibre performance of Vileda Professional removes the Corona Virus up to 99.99% – the next level clean in wipes and mops.

Sustainability Campaign
A world’s leading provider of cleaning solutions needs to take responsibility for keeping the planet clean as well: Clean meets Green.

Launch Campaign iQonnect
iQonnect is the digital management system enabling the optimization of all cleaning processes with a touch of your finger: Upside your business.

Leading with Less
Less waste & less CO2 emissions: The new single use wipes and mops are up to 100% recycled and recyclable and thus ensure the growth of all cleaning businesses whilst contributing to a healthier planet.

Re-Launch MicroTuff – tough, tough, booom!
There are cleaning cloths and there are MicroTuffs – unmatched in performance, toughest in durability. Hard to describe, easy to feel.

Ultraflex DUO Launch Campaign
This is Ultraflex DUO – double sided mopping power that drives efficiency to its ultimate level.
EviSense Launch Campaign
EviSense® is the first sensor-based cleaning system that makes cleaning fully transparent. Now you know what has been cleaned, when and how it has been cleaned. In a nutshell: Now we clean.

Interclean 2022
Stand and campaign design of the first Interclean appearance after a long time of remoteness: Interclean means Interaction, finally again.

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